Casa Etronia har tre etasjer, en taverna (underetasje) som samlingssted og 7 dobbeltrom, dessuten en fantastisk terrasse på toppen.
Huset passer perfekt for en liten gruppe, par eller for deg som reiser alene. Er du glad i Italia, vil du elske Vasanello og Casa Etronia.
This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may benefit. Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services, explaining to users why they should choose your company.
This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may benefit. Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services, explaining to users why they should choose your company.
This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may benefit. Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services, explaining to users why they should choose your company.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.